Discovering Dalmatia VI, a week of events in research and scholarship – call for papers

A call for papers for an international conference of academics and professionals organized as part of a week of events in scholarship and research DISCOVERING DALMATIA VI

Watching, Waiting – Empty Spaces and the Representation of Isolation

December 3-5, The Institute of Art History – The Cvito Fisković Centre in Split

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New book: Discovering Dalmatia. Dalmatia in Travelogues, Images, and Photographs

Discovering Dalmatia brings together twelve texts offering new interpretations of conceptions of the space, natural beauty, and cultural heritage of Dalmatia as a destination for educated travellers from the late seventeenth to the first half of the twentieth century. (…) It includes analyses of accounts by a wide range of travellers, from Jacob Spon, Robert Adam, Aleksander Sapieha, Ludwig Salvator, Franz Thiard de Laforest, numerous Viennese painters and Art History students, to Gertrude Bell and Bernard Berenson. (…) Before us is a book in which the “view from the outside” is considered in a critical, comparative, and contextual way. Dalmatian spaces are thus integrated once more into European spaces, in which the interest in this forgotten or unfamiliar, not to mention exotic, land first appeared during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. The interpretations of the travelogues – from manuscripts and printed books to sketches, graphical representations, pictures, and photographs – focus on the shattering of prejudices, culture shocks, and the aesthetic experiences of a generation of European intellectuals, which allow contemporary readers to understand the value of this complex space, and to understand the establishment of the cultural and natural heritage of the Croatian coastal region.

From a review by Marko Špikić

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Discovering Dalmatia V, a conference and public presentations

The Discovering Dalmatia conference, to be held from 19 to 22 June 2019 at the Institute of Art History – The Cvito Fisković Centre in Split, is the fifth instalment related to our interdisciplinary project Dalmatia – a destination of the European Grand Tour in the 18th and the 19th century, funded by Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ).

Inspired by the next Institute of Art History’s HRZZ research project The Glossary of Classical Architecture, we decided that the principal event of this year’s Discovering Dalmatia programme would be an international conference entitled The Vocabulary of Classical Architecture and Special Field Terminology.

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Discovering Dalmatia 4, a week of events in research and scholarship – call for papers

The Institute of Art History – The Cvito Fisković Centre

A call for papers for an international conference of academics and professionals entitled


The Integration of Knowledge About Dalmatia’s Historical Urban Landscape

 To be held from the 21stto the 24thof November 2018 in Split

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