The Discovering Dalmatia conference, to be held from 19 to 22 June 2019 at the Institute of Art History – The Cvito Fisković Centre in Split, is the fifth instalment related to our interdisciplinary project Dalmatia – a destination of the European Grand Tour in the 18th and the 19th century, funded by Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ).
Inspired by the next Institute of Art History’s HRZZ research project The Glossary of Classical Architecture, we decided that the principal event of this year’s Discovering Dalmatia programme would be an international conference entitled The Vocabulary of Classical Architecture and Special Field Terminology.

In addition, this year’s programme also includes three public lectures. The conservator and restorer Žana Matulić Bilač used her work on the conservation and restoration of Trogir Cathedral’s late medieval choir stalls as an inducement to compile a glossary of diverse technical terms that are related to this monument. Dr Goran Nikšić’s work on the conservation and restauration of another magnificent monument – the ciborium in Korčula Cathedral created by the stonemason and architect Marko Andrijić – prompted him to research in detail the fascinating story of this monument’s construction, and propose a project for its reconstruction. Finally, Professors Elke Katharina Wittich andUlrike Nägele, both employed at the German AMD Akademie Mode & Design, will present a joint research project by the AMD, with the Ethnographic Museum, and the IPU – Cvito FiskovićCentre, which is based on a study of Dalmatian folk costumes in travel literature and museum exhibits.
Scientific Committee
Joško Belamarić (Institute of Art History – Cvito Fisković Centre, Split)
Katrina O’Loughlin (BrunelUniversity, London)
Siniša Runjaić (The Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics, Zagreb)
Ana Šverko (Institute of Art History – Cvito Fisković Centre, Split)
Danko Zelić (Institute of Art History, Zagreb)
Organizing Committee
Joško Belamarić (Institute of Art History – Cvito Fisković Centre, Split)
Ana Ćurić (Institute of Art History, Zagreb)
Siniša Runjaić (The Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics, Zagreb)
Ana Šverko (Institute of Art History – Cvito Fisković Centre, Split)
For more detailed information, please see the book of abstracts.